L’Arche Clinton, also known as The Arch, has provided residential services for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) in Clinton since 1974. L’Arche Clinton is an independent non-profit organization that is a member of International L’Arche Federation of communities. At L’Arche, people with and without I/DD share life experiences together. We celebrate each person’s unique gifts, we value diversity, and we practice inclusion. At L’Arche, we are more than clients and employees – we are all community members contributing our gifts and experiences for the common good of our community and society as a whole. This core value permeates everything we do in our community!
Our Guiding Statements
Our Mission
The mission of L’Arche is to make known the gifts of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, revealed through mutually transforming relationships; to respond to the changing needs of our members, while being faithful to the core values of our founding story; and to engage in our diverse cultures, working together towards a more human society.
Our Vision
L’Arche envisions a world where everyone has a secure place of belonging in community, where people with and without disabilities can live in mutually transformative relationship, and where all people’s gifts are valued and given a place from which to contribute to the wider society.
What is life at L’Arche like?
In L’Arche, we are people, with and without intellectual disabilities, sharing life in communities belonging to an International Federation. Mutual relationships and trust in God are at the heart of our journey together. We celebrate the unique value of every person and recognize our need for one another.

Our Network
L’Arche Clinton is accountable to the high standards of L’Arche USA and L’Arche International.
L’Arche Clinton is a part of L’Arche USA which is a part of L’Arche International. L’Arche communities in the United States provide homes and workplaces where people with and without intellectual disabilities live and work together as peers; create inclusive communities of faith and friendship; and transform society through relationships that cross social boundaries.
L’Arche is a world-wide social movement, bringing individuals with a disabilities into the hearts of their societies, making their voice heard, providing a true home and the opportunity to develop their unique gifts to the fullest. Today, there are 159 communities of L’Arche in 38 countries. They are united by a common vision and a shared mission expressed in the official Charter of L’Arche.
The Federation seeks to foster solidarity among communities, ensure unity in diversity, establish the conditions for membership, and to create conditions for trust, service, dialogue, and mutual support.